Instagram was not initially developed for businesses. However, as Instagram developed in conjunction with Facebook, we saw business pages begin to develop. As time has gone on, a few key Instagram tools have been developed that offer incredibly cool features for small businesses.Instagram

4 of our favorite Instagram features for small businesses are:

  1. Hashtags: Hashtags have always been a part of Instagram, but there has been a lot more training on how to use them. Many brands are developing brand-specific hashtags to make searching for their business easier.
  2. Stories: We LOVE stories! They are a great tool to help put a face to a company. Now, we aren’t saying that all stories have to be of a person. Instagram stories can be used to highlight events, new services, and products in the business, and so much more. Regardless of how they are used, they develop the businesses’ brand incredibly well.
  3. Shopping: Instagram shopping works really well for retail businesses that have visually appealing products. But Instagram shopping has created a cool channel of business for many Etsy retailers.
  4. Ads: Instagram ads are ever-developing; the platform is growing day-by-day. At the moment, Instagram does a great job of offering a variety of types of ads as well as detailed target audiences.

There are so many more cool features and tools on Instagram that most businesses aren’t utilizing fully. If you are interested in learning more about how to use Instagram for your business, we would love to help you in a complimentary strategy session today!