Our Lead Magnet giveaway in July was such a success, we were eager to get back into a new one! This month’s contest is just as exciting so check it out here!

In this month’s giveaway we are including a free landing page! So just like last month Abundant Marketing will be working to make sure we can get as many local businesses involved as possible.

Let’s get back to the basics. What is a landing page? In the simplest terms, a landing page is the first page you “land on” after clicking a link. This page is specifically designed to receive and convert traffic from an online marketing campaign. Very similar to a lead magnet, which is also included in this month’s giveaway! A good landing page is focused on a particular stream of traffic. Landing pages have one goal and that is to generate leads for your business. 

One of the most common mistakes a business can make is sending their traffic to their home page. This is a huge missed opportunity. When you know a stream of targeted traffic will be coming to your website, you can increase the likelihood of converting that traffic into leads by using a targeted landing page. Sending your subscribers to an event page, a giveaway page, or a blog page will increase the likelihood of interaction with your customers. 

This information will allow you to nurture this lead in a more targeted way by helping you decide which marketinactions are most appropriate to take. Although the landing page is the main component of the conversion process, there are multiple assets that work together to make your conversion successful. 


Get excited! Abundant Marketing is hosting another FREE giveaway! We are focusing on educating businesses in August and we want to get businesses excited about learning. So we are holding a weekly webinar and we have prize drawings throughout the month for business owners who RSVP and attend our webinars. Enter our free giveaway here! We are going to pick one business at the end of the month with 3 different winners/prizes. RSVPing gets you one entry, RSVPing and attending gets your name entered 3 times.